TreePlan® Decision Tree Add-in for Excel

For Mac Excel 2019-2021-2024-365 and
Windows Excel 2019-2021-2024-365

TreePlan decision tree diagram without rollback values
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Buy TreePlan Pro Single License $59

TreePlan helps you build a decision tree diagram in an Excel worksheet using dialog boxes.

Decision trees are useful for analyzing sequential decision problems under uncertainty.

TreePlan creates formulas for summing cash flows to obtain outcome values and for calculating rollback values to determine optimal strategy.

TreePlan Benefits

  • Save time by using TreePlan to quickly build a decision tree model.
  • Two ways to run TreePlan: quick launch for temporary use, or permanent installation.
  • Format your decision tree the way you want it.
  • Use TreePlan to select a group of cells or shapes. Then apply Excel’s formatting commands to the group.
  • Use TreePlan’s diagram to explain your analysis to colleagues.
  • Check your assumptions. Perform what-if analysis using the Excel Data Table command to automate sensitivity analysis.
  • Integrate your decision tree model with other Excel models.

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How TreePlan Works

  1. Open a new worksheet,
  2. choose the TreePlan ribbon, and click the TreePlan button,
  3. click the New Tree button, and TreePlan creates an initial tree with two branches,
  4. select a node, and run TreePlan to change the structure of your decision tree,
  5. enter branch names, cash flows, and probabilities, and
  6. see the optimal strategy from TreePlan’s results.

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TreePlan Screenshots

For a larger version of a tree diagram, click the image.

Expected Value Rollback
TreePlan decision tree diagram with probability-weighted rollback values

Risk Utility Rollback
TreePlan decision tree diagram with risk utility rollback values

Decision Node Dialog Box
TreePlan dialog box for a decision node

Options Dialog Box
TreePlan dialog box for rollback options

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TreePlan Pro Quantity Discount

By clicking the Buy button below, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions of the License Agreement.

Buy TreePlan Pro Quantity Discount

On the secure order form, specify quantity (number of licenses).

Total number Price for
of TreePlan each TreePlan
Pro licenses Pro license
Single $59
2 to 9   50
10 to 19   38
20 to 49   30
50 to 99   24
100 or more   21

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TreePlan Student Licenses

The Student license is only for instructional use by students and instructors, and the Student add-in software may not be used for commercial purposes.

The add-in software creates Student watermarks on the screen displays, worksheet results, and printout headers-and-footers.

By clicking the Buy button below, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions of the License Agreement.

Buy TreePlan Student Licenses

On the secure order form, specify quantity (number of licenses).

Total number Price for
of TreePlan each TreePlan
Student licenses Student license
Single $17
2 to 9   13
10 to 19     8
20 to 49     6
50 to 99     5
100 to 249     4
250 or more     3

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